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(through a lot of hard work and a kick ass mindset). I was once working as a software developer in a corporate job, living a life that didn’t fit my dreams. I invested in myself  and became a six-figure freelancer, and now I am a seven figure CEO of my own business. It doesn’t happen overnight, but I am proof it does happen with relentless grit. 

"I know everyone has a dream in their heart—just like I did when I felt stuck in that cubicle, writing code. Building a successful business helped me achieve that dream and I want to help others do the same."

my own life

Over the past 6 years 
I have grown and 

Featured In                      :     

I couldn’t do half
the things I do

my team

and they are 100% the reason we are so successful with our growth. We are a 3-member team serving over 2500+ customers all across the world. We are 100% remote and have never even met IRL. We’ve become an online family and we are eager to take over the world.

My mission as a Coach/CEO is to empower 100K+ people in the next five years to make a similar journey and become the highest version of themselves, whether it means becoming a confident online business owner, or a badass mom who balances family and career like a ninja, or a college graduate who said no to a high-paying job to create a business of his/her dreams. This might look different for everyone. So, close your eyes and see this evolution of YOU.

Now, let’s get to work.


My home office!

I feel like the mountains of New Zealand and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia are calling to me.

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron

Iced Mocha (because chocolate lover, duh!)

The One with the Embryos (I die laughing, always!!!)

Nothing changes if nothing changes.
If you don’t take action to change your circumstances, they will never improve - that’s 100% guaranteed. So don’t let fear, doubt, anxiety stop you from achieving your heartfelt desires!


A quick Q&A

Favorite place to work:

Where I’m traveling to next:

My go-to coffee order:

Fave episode of Friends:

My favorite piece of advice:

What I’m currently reading: